Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI Scan

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

What is an MRI?

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of scan that uses strong magnets and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.

    A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner is a wide tube containing powerful magnets. During the scan, you will lie within the tube.

    An MRI scan can be utilized to examine virtually every part of the body, including:

  • brain and spinal cord
  • joints and bones
  • breasts
  • heart and blood vessels
  • Internal organs, including the liver, uterus, and prostate gland

    The results of an MRI can be used to aid in diagnosing conditions, planning treatments, and evaluating the efficacy of previous therapies.

What happens during an MRI scan?

    During an MRI scan, the patient lies on a flat platform that is rolled into the scanner.

    Depending on which region of your body is being scanned, you will be moved head first or feet first into the scanner.

    A radiographer, who has been trained to conduct imaging investigations, operates the MRI apparatus.

    The scanner is controlled by a computer located in a separate chamber to keep it away from the magnetic field generated by the scanner.

    Throughout the scan, you will be able to communicate with the radiographer via intercom, and they will be able to see you on a television monitor and through a viewing window.

    During specific times of the scan, the scanner will emit loud tapping sounds. This is the on-and-off cycling of the electric current in the scanner coils.

    It is crucial to remain as still as possible during an MRI scan.

    During the scan, the radiographer may request that you hold your breath for a few seconds or follow other instructions.

    The scan duration ranges from 15 to 90 minutes, depending on the size of the area being scanned and the number of images captured.

After an MRI scan

    After the scan, the radiologist will examine the images to determine if more are necessary. If the radiologist is satisfied, the patient can go home.

    The radiologist will prepare a report for the physician who requested it. Typically, patients are instructed to schedule an appointment with their physician to discuss the results.

Side effects

    Exceptionally rarely will a patient experience adverse effects from an MRI scan.

    In some individuals, the contrast dye can produce nausea, headaches, pain, or burning at the injection site. A rare but possible allergy to the contrast material can result in hives or itchy eyes. Notify the technician if you experience any adverse reactions.

    People suffering from claustrophobia or uncomfortable in confined spaces may have difficulty undergoing an MRI scan.

What is the difference between an MRI and a CT scan?

    Computed tomography (CT) uses X-rays and computers to produce images of the inside of your body, whereas magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses magnets, radio waves, and a computer.

    MRI scans are frequently preferred over CT scans for examining the human body's non-bony portions and soft tissues. MRI examinations are safer than X-rays because they do not use ionizing radiation.

    MRI scans also capture more explicit pictures of your brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons than regular X-rays and CT scans.

    Not everyone, however, can undergo an MRI. MRI's magnetic field can dislodge metal implants and disrupt the operation of devices such as pacemakers and insulin pumps. Consequently, a CT scan is the next best option.

    MRI scanning is more expensive than X-ray imaging or CT scanning.


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