What is Ligament Reconstruction?
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the knee joint, especially during activities that involve weaving, pivoting, or kicking. When the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is ruptured, the knee becomes unstable, and further damage to the joint can occur over time. To restore stability and function to the knee joint, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is the preferred surgical treatment option.
Non-operative treatment is generally recommended for patients:
- Who are older than 35 years old
- Have minimal or no anterior tibial subluxation (partial dislocation),
- Do not have additional intra-articular injuries (inside the joint)
- Are not highly active
On the other hand, operative treatment is preferred for patients:
- Who are younger than 25 years old
- Have marked anterior tibial subluxation
- Have additional intra-articular damage
- Are highly active.
It is important to note that most patients fall between these two criteria, and treatment decisions should always be evaluated individually, considering various factors such as age, activity level, overall health, and specific injury characteristics.
How do you know you need anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery?
The decision to undergo surgery for an ACL tear is based on the extent of the injury and the individual's lifestyle. A complete tear of the ACL cannot heal on its own and typically requires surgical intervention. However, research suggests that some patients with a partial tear of the ACL may experience natural healing without the need for surgery.
To determine the severity of the tear, a doctor will conduct manual tests such as the Lachman test and pivot shift test. During the Lachman test, the physician will assess the mobility of the shin bone about the thigh bone. If the ACL is torn but still partially intact, there may be limited or no movement. The pivot shift test involves applying rotational pressure to the knee while the patient is lying down, and a negative test indicates minimal shifting of the bones.
For individuals with a partial tear, postponing surgery initially and monitoring the ligament's healing progress without immediate surgical intervention may be advisable. The decision to proceed with surgery or opt for conservative treatment can be based on careful evaluation and consultation with a medical professional at the orthopaedic department of Apex Hospitals.
How does ACL reconstruction surgery work?
During ACL Ligament Surgery in Jaipur, a new ACL is created using a graft, which can be obtained from one of two sources:
- Patient's tissue: A portion of the patient's hamstring, quadriceps, or patellar tendon may be used as a graft for the new ACL.
- Allograft: Alternatively, tissue from a human organ donor can be used as the graft.
The choice of graft type depends on various factors and is determined individually. ACL reconstruction surgery is typically performed using minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques. This approach involves using fibre optics, small incisions, and specialized instruments. However, a slightly larger incision may be required to obtain the tissue graft. It's important to note that ACL Surgery in Jaipur at Apex Hospitals is often performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to return home on the same day as their surgery.
What is the recovery time for ACL surgery?
The recovery timeline after ACL reconstruction surgery varies depending on the patient's level of competition and the type of activities they participate in. Typically, it takes about six to nine months for patients to return to sports.
Patients can walk on the day of surgery with crutches and a leg brace. Shortly after the procedure, they begin a rehabilitation program with Apex Hospitals' healthcare team to restore strength, stability, and range of motion in the knee. The rehabilitation process involves a gradual progression of exercises, including:
- Early-stage: Strengthening and range-of-motion exercises are initiated.
- Around four months: Running exercises are introduced.
- At approximately five months: Pivoting exercises are incorporated.
- Around six months: Patients may start to return to competitive sports.
The pain level experienced during ACL recovery can vary, but medication can help manage it effectively. Recovery time is individualized, and a patient is considered fully recovered when muscle strength, range of motion, and proprioception (awareness of joint position) of the knee joint are restored. Compared to open surgery techniques used in the past, arthroscopic surgical methods have resulted in quicker and easier recovery times. However, to achieve a successful outcome, patients must undergo supervised rehabilitation with a qualified physical therapist and attend follow-up appointments with their surgeon.
At Apex Hospitals, we understand that each patient is unique and deserves individualized care. Our team of experienced surgeons and medical professionals will tailor your ACL surgery to meet your specific needs, ensuring you receive the highest level of personalized care throughout your journey to recovery. Trust Apex Hospital to provide exceptional care at every step of the way. Book an appointment now to know the ACL Surgery Cost in Jaipur.
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