What is joint aspiration?
Joint aspiration is a treatment that uses a needle and syringe to extract fluid from the area around a joint. This is typically performed under local anaesthesia to alleviate oedema and gather fluid for analysis to detect a joint condition or issue.
The knee is the most commonly aspirated joint. Fluid can also be evacuated from other joints, such as the hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow, or wrist.
Why would I require a joint aspiration?
Joint aspiration can help identify and treat joint diseases and issues. The following conditions can be diagnosed by studying the fluid:
- Gout
- Various types of Arthritis
- Infection of the joints
Joint aspiration can also remove considerable fluid from surrounding a joint. Fluid can gather near a joint due to bursitis (bursa inflammation). Removing the fluid reduces pressure, relieves pain, and improves joint movement. Medication is sometimes injected after the fluid is drawn to treat tendinitis or bursitis.
What are the dangers of a joint aspiration?
Complications are possible with any surgical operation. Some potential difficulties include:
- Discomfort at the point of aspiration
- Bruising at the point of aspiration
- Swelling at the site of aspiration
- Infection at the site of aspiration
Other dangers may exist based on your medical condition. Before the procedure, share any concerns you have with your healthcare professional.
How should I prepare for a joint aspiration?
- Your healthcare professional will explain the procedure to you and allow you to ask any questions about it.
- You will be asked to sign a consent form granting authorization to do the surgery. If something needs to be clarified, read the form carefully and ask questions.
- Inform your doctor if you are sensitive to or allergic to any medications, latex, tape, or anaesthetic agents (both local and general).
- Inform your healthcare practitioner about all medications (prescription and over-the-counter) and herbal supplements you are using.
- If you have a history of bleeding disorders or are taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications, aspirin, or other medications that alter blood clotting, inform your healthcare provider. You may need to discontinue these medications before the operation.
- You should contact your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or suspect you are pregnant.
- No prior preparation, such as fasting or sedation, is usually required.
- Your healthcare physician may request further specialized preparation based on your medical condition.
What happens during a joint aspiration?
Joint aspiration can be performed as an outpatient procedure or as part of a hospital stay. Procedures may differ depending on your situation and the procedures of your healthcare practitioner.
A combined aspiration procedure usually follows this:
- You will be asked to remove your clothes and given a gown.
- You will be positioned so the healthcare provider can access the aspirated joint.
- An antiseptic solution will be applied to the skin over the joint aspiration site.
- If a local anaesthetic is used, you will feel a needle stick when the anaestheia is injected. This may cause a brief stinging sensation.
- The healthcare professional will insert the needle through the skin into the joint. You might feel some pain or pressure.
- The healthcare professional will remove the fluid by pulling it into a syringe attached to a needle.
- The needle will be removed, and a sterile bandage or dressing will be placed over the wound.
- The fluid sample will be forwarded to the laboratory for analysis.
What happens following a joint aspiration?
You must maintain the joint aspiration site clean and dry once you get home. Leave the bandage on for as long as your healthcare provider instructs.
The aspiration site may be uncomfortable or sore for a few days after the joint aspiration operation. Take a pain reliever as prescribed by your healthcare professional. Aspirin and other pain relievers may raise the risk of bleeding. Take only the medications that have been prescribed to you.
Notify your healthcare practitioner if any of the following occur:
- Fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, or as prescribed by your doctor
- Aspiration site redness, oedema, bleeding, or other discharge
- Pain around the aspiration site has become very severe.
Depending on your specific scenario, your healthcare professional may provide extra instructions following the treatment.
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