
Facelift | Facial skin tightening Procedure in Jaipur, India - Apex Hospitals


What is a facelift?

    Any surgical operation that improves indications of ageing in your face and neck by relocating or removing skin, fat, and muscle is referred to as a facelift (also known as a rhytidectomy). Ageing indicators that can be restored with a facelift include:

  • Sagging and dropped skin on your face
  • Lines that form a deep fold or crease between your mouth's corners and nose.
  • Lost or insufficient facial fat.
  • Drooping skin (jowls) on your jaw and cheeks.
  • Your neck appears to have a "double chin" due to loose skin and excess fat.

    Facelifts are classified as therapeutic cosmetic procedures; they cannot reverse the ageing process or significantly alter your appearance. Furthermore, they cannot address UV damage, uneven skin tones, or superficial wrinkles. Facelifts are highly customized procedures specific to the patient's aims and their particular face.

Who can get facelifts?

    Generally speaking, you're a good candidate for a facelift if:

  • You don't have any health issues that would prevent your body from healing, and you're in good physical health.
  • If you do not smoke.
  • You have realistic expectations regarding the results of your facelift and are in good mental health.

    Patients with symptoms of facial ageing but with some skin elasticity remaining are the best candidates for facelift surgery. Patients in their 40s to 60s are typically included in this, while individuals outside that age range may occasionally be candidates for surgery.

What happens during facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery?

    The process of having a facelift involves numerous steps. Here's a breakdown of the procedures.


    During the procedure, your surgeon will use IV sedation or general anaesthetic to put you to sleep. Your surgeon will suggest the best course of action for you and the type of surgery.

    The Incision

    Your surgeon may make incisions in these areas during surgery, depending on the type of facelift you receive:

  • In your hairline, at your temples
  • around your ears.
  • At your lower scalp
  • Under the chin
  • In your mouth

    The incision sizes will also change depending on the kind of facelift you're undergoing. All of this will be covered in your pre-operative discussion with your surgeon.


    Facelifts usually involve tightening the facial muscles and relocating or removing fat or skin from the face. Your surgeon may choose to do all or just some of these procedures, depending on the type of facelift you're undergoing. Before your procedure, you and your surgeon will thoroughly review the entire process.

Closing the wounds

    Following the surgery, one of the following options will be used by your surgeon to close the incision(s):

  • Dissolvable stitching.
  • Stitches that, in a few days, will need to be removed.
  • Skin glue

What happens after facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery?

    As you wake up from your facelift procedure, your medical professional will send you to a room for observation. After you're stable, you'll be able to leave the hospital. Usually, this takes a few hours.

    You might have a bandage on your face to reduce swelling and bruises. You may also have small drainage tubes.

    Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions on how to take care of your incision site(s) and drains and a follow-up appointment before you leave for your facelift surgery. If necessary, your surgeon will prescribe to take care of your pain.

What are the benefits of facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery?

    Facelifts are typically performed to reduce ageing symptoms and restore a more youthful appearance. Your self-esteem and confidence may rise as a result of this.

What are the possible complications and side effects of facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery?

    Surgery has risks and adverse effects, just like with any medical procedure. Even if they are uncommon, facelift surgery risks include:

  • Issues with anaesthesia.
  • Infection
  • difficulties with wound healing.
  • Hematoma
  • Alterations in skin sensation or numbness.
  • Damaged facial nerves.
  • Incision-related hair loss, either temporary or permanent.
  • Scarring
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Variations in skin tone.

    Other crucial factors are as follows:

  • Following a facelift, you will continue to age, although the results often last seven to ten years.
  • Facelift procedures are unable to alter your basic appearance significantly.
  • Facelifts cannot treat Sun damage, uneven skin tone, and superficial wrinkles.
  • Make sure you consult a board-certified surgeon if you decide to have a facelift.
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